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UN News:
  Commemoration of first ever "International Day of Democracy" Islamabad, 15 Sep 2008  

15 Sep, 2008, UNITED NATIONS INFORMATION CENTRE, ISLAMABAD: On 8 November 2007, the General Assembly proclaimed 15 September as the first ever International Day of Democracy, inviting Member States , the United Nations system and other regional, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations to commemorate the Day. The International Day of Democracy provides an opportunity to review the state of democracy in the world. In this connection the United Nations Information Centre, Islamabad and Centre for Civic Education (CCE), Pakistan collaborated to organize a series of activities to promote Democracy and Democracy education in the society.

In the morning session a Democracy Quiz Competition was held among the university students at a local hotel in Islamabad. Mr. Zafarullah Khan, Executive Director of CCE opened the session and welcomed the participants of the Quiz Competition. He also briefed the students about the democracy and need of civic education in democracy. Mr. Tauseeq Hyder, a renowned anchor person moderated the session.

Three rounds of the questions evolved around the topics of International and National Democracy, role of the democratic institutions and civil society to promote democracy in the societies. Students from Fatimah Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi won 1st, International Islamic University, Islamabad 2 nd and Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad 3 rd prizes in the Quiz competition.

Ms. Ishrat Rizvi, National Information Officer of the UN Information Centre and Mr. Zafarullah Khan, Executive Director of CCE distributed the shields, certificates and prizes to the winning teams.

Ms. Rizvi, in her presentation congratulated the university students for their active participation in the Quiz Competition. She shared with the participants the message of the UN Secretary - General issued on the Day. In his message the UN Secretary - General said "I am determined to ensure that the UN works globally, wherever we can, to help people and nations everywhere build and strengthen democratic systems. Experience has taught us, time and again, that democracy is essential to achieving our fundamental goals of peace, human rights and development........Our mission recognizes a fundamental truth about democracy everywhere -- that it is ultimately the product of a strong, active and vocal civil society. It is such a civil society that fosters responsible citizenship and makes democratic forms of government work "She also expressed her gratitude to the government of Pakistan on the statements issued by the Honorable President and Prime Minister on this occasion.

Mr. Farhan Sabih, Assistant Resident Representative, Governance Unit of UNDP, Pakistan also participated in a session of the ceremony and delivered a presentation on ' Democratic Governance and Human Development'. In his presentation, he enlightened the participants with his views on the role of a good democratic governance and human development in the areas of economic and social sectors of a society. Followed by his presentation two documentaries, entitled "March of Democracy" and "Struggle for Democratic Pakistan" produced by the Centre for Civic Education Pakistan were screened.

Participants were given sets of information pack, comprising of history of Democracy, United Nations and Democracy, Democratic Institutions and their roles in the promotion and development of Democracy in the world and in Pakistan. (#)








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