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UN News:
  Global TXT Messaging Campaign on 'International Day of Peace' 2008 21 September 2008  
UNITED NATIONS INFORMATION CENTRE, ISLAMABAD - The International Day of Peace was established by the United Nations General Assembly as a Day devoted to "to commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples" and as a Day of "global ceasefire and non-violence."

This year to raise awareness of the International Day of Peace, 21 September. messages on peace via text message, email, video and photo form were solicited and sent around the world over "new media" channels.

The United Nations launched its global TXT4 PEACE/WRITE 4 PEACE campaign, and collected messages on peace which were shared with world leaders when they gathered in New York for the General Assembly on 23 September 2008.

The United Nations also established a website, , to host email and text messages from people around the world.

The UN - Pakistan also undertook several activities to promote the International Day of Peace, which included a  global text messaging campaign, through mobilization of youth and social groups from all over the country to send Peace Messages to their contact lists of family, friends, social and business circles.Support and guidelines were provided to these groups and were monitored.

A Private Radio channel FM100 also launched a full day, country wide campaign as "Peace transmission" inviting their listeners to send Txt messages on peace. It was also a way to get general public to send txt messages of their own and circulate it among their circle of friends and family. Messages sent to FM 100 were later on screened and tokens of appreciation were provided to 8 best message senders. The messages were also forwarded to be presented to world leaders when they gathered in New York for the General Assembly session.

Children shows on Peace (skits, poems, exhibitions and symposium) were also coordinated and held by two schools in Isb & Rwp and one in Goojranwala / Punjab during morning assemblies.







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