UN 70 Climate Change

Pakistani Youth for Climate Change

UN Information Centre invited students from different schools in Islamabad for an interactive Youth Forum on Climate Change at the ILO auditorium. The workshop was called United4Climate: Pakistani Youth for Climate Change. Around 100 young people were brought together and were briefed on Climate Change. The colorful logo inspired by the UN emblem reminded students about the importance of speaking out about climate change and about ways to play their part in the cause as young leaders. Australian High Commissioner in Islamabad Ms. Margaret Adamson, Director UNIC Vittorio Cammarota, Zeba Husain of Mashal School and climate change experts spoke to students to engage them in an interactive conversation on Climate Change. Students asked questions to obtain clarity about aspects of the issue of climate change, and shared their ideas on how to act against climate change in everyday life. They were told about thoughtful disposal of different type of waste material. Students took part in a creative activity too where they expressed themselves through art work bringing forward their thoughts and ideas to tackle climate change. With great enthusiasm they shared their thoughts through topical essays and drawings, which UNIC will collect in a booklet “Pakistani youth for Climate Change” to be launched on the global Climate Change conference COP21 in Paris.

Enjoy the photo story at https://flic.kr/s/aHskmVMC6m