Human Rights through Cinematography – 2016

Building on the success of the 2015 experience, the second edition of the film festival Human Rights Through Cinematography took place between 15 November – 10 December 2016. This year we had an increase in the number of movies and of locations: twenty three movies and documentaries were screened in Gujrat, Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar and Quetta. The themes featured include migration, democracy, forced marriages, domestic violence, freedom of press, honour killings, decent work and women’s empowerment among others. The number of partners also increased: in addition to the European Union, the Swiss Confederation and the International Film Festival of Human Rights (FIFDH), this year the Embassy of Argentina and the High Commissions of Australia and Canada  joined the organizing committee of the festival. Debates with specialists followed the screenings while several movie directors were available for Q&A sessions either in presence or via video link.

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