Islamabad, 15 July 2015: World this morning: A famous TV show, anchored by Maha Makhdum was broadcast on PTV world to mark the 1st World Youth Skills Day on 15 July 2015. UNIC Director along with Programme coordinator for UN Wall, Ahsan Ausaf participated in the prgramme and shared details about the communication campaigns, which are specially designed for Pakistani youth on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the United Nations this year. The ‘UN Wall’ is an exciting art campaign, in which a large number of youth would participate by dedicating a wall in their educational institutions and painting the UN’s messages on them. Mr. Cammarota encouraged youth to focus on their skill development and participating in the UN Wall campaign which provides a learning opportunity about UN’s core values and messages through creativity and art.
The UN Wall campaign shall be implemented across the country.